Musician, singer, vocalist, improviser, and creator. She has been captivated by experimental music, worldwide folk music, improvisation, graphical notation, explorations with electronic devices, and extended vocal sounds. Additionally, she is curious about theatrical performance and explorations around video and photography. 

She earned an M.A. in Contemporary Music - Singing at Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Stuttgart, Germany, being part of different multidisciplinary projects combining music, theater, dance, literature, and visual arts. Yielding good results, she did her undergraduate program at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas in Bogota, Colombia. She is pursuing a Doctorate in Music Arts at the University of California San Diego. 

Since 2009, she has premiered many works by composers worldwide and commissioned new pieces. In 2021, she presented her first album called Resonancias Entrelazadas. It includes 15 works written by female composers and improvisations with female performers. Also, in 2022, she premiered the project CINCO with audiovisual pieces by Latin American composers written primarily for her.